Estate Planning

Financial Planning, General, Inheritance

Wills and Inheritance Changes in the UK

23 Sep , 2014  

Estate PlanningThere are some big changes looming for the rules surrounding inheritance in the UK. From the 1st October 2014, these changes will come in to force. If you have assets in the UK these changes may affect you. The moral of this story, is please ensure that you have an up to date will in place.

If someone dies without a will, there is a set of intestacy rules that determine who gets what, and it doesn't always go how you might expect. It should be noted that the rule changes won’t affect those people who die with less that £250,000 in assets. However, for those that have more it could have a crucial impact on the people they leave behind. With the recent explosion in house prices, the £250,000 limit affects more than you might think.

The only way to ensure that all, or part of your estate goes to the person or persons that you want to go to, is to write a will.

Want to know more about the changes? Read the full article in The Guardian here.

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