Have you ever heard the term, “safe as houses”? This is exactly how many would describe their attitude towards property investment. That it’s the safest haven for your money, and an appropriate platform to shelter long-term savings. To be fair, property can often be a fantastic investment. Owning large quantities of property, mortgage free, in […]
assets, Featured, financial goals, Future Planning, Investments, Personal Finance, Property, Retirement Planning, Stock Market, World Economy
Your bank is no longer the only way to move money from one country to another. Here is a closer look at your options for international money transfers: More and more business takes place across borders and as a result currencies need to be exchanged 24hours a day. As the world has changed, so have […]
Currency Transfers, Expatriate, Featured, International Transfers, Personal Finance
Analysis, Financial Planning, Investments, Market Watch
Many may think that successful investment managers are nothing but gamblers, sharks, charlatans, cowboys and crooks. These are individuals who use the concept of the “market” as an imaginary platform to showcase their so-called “skills”. Although one will come across the odd con-man, both on Wall Street and in Southeast Asia, who will have you […]
Featured, Financial advice, Financial Planning, Investment advice, Offshore wealth management, Personal Finance, Value Investing, Warren Buffet
About three weeks ago, an acquaintance at a networking event recommended a taxi company called Uber to me. I was dubious at first, but soon realised that this is an innovative company taking advantage of technology and bringing a competitive edge to an otherwise stagnant taxi industry. The company does not own cars or employ drivers, […]
Market watch, Personal Finance, Stock Market, World Business, World Economy